Things to remember before constructing a Field Shelter

Today, most of the people use domestic horses for work purposes and to enjoy an active lifestyle. To stay fit and healthy in outdoors, they used them for horse riding. In order to protect their horses from an inclement weather, they use Field shelters in their homes. A field shelter is used to provide dryness and warmth to the horses in winter and shade in summer. Reasons why Field Shelters are important Field shelters are important for horses due to following reasons: Shelters are used to protect horses from overheating. A horse without a shelter can be plagued by flies. They are used to protect horses from any kind of diseases. Shelters are used to keep horses healthy and happy. They are used to feed horses. Useful tips to construct Field Shelter Follow the below listed tips to build a field shelter for your domestic horse: 1. Select an area carefully Its important to construct a field shelter on a place away from deciduous trees that are prone to shedding leaves during winter...